We all know it's kind of dream which seems impossible but it's really not.  It is something everyone should do in their lives. Maybe travelling to the 7 wonders of the world, reaching to Eiffel tower perhaps? Or just moving one country to another every week?
1) Learn who you are
2) It will create meaningful relationships
3) Learn new language
4) Gives you adventure
5) To do something new
6) The challenge
7) For education
8) Gives you new perspective of life
to Eiffel tower perhaps? Or just moving one country to another every week?
1) Learn who you are
2) It will create meaningful relationships
3) Learn new language
4) Gives you adventure
5) To do something new
6) The challenge
7) For education
8) Gives you new perspective of life
9) It will create meaningful relationships

10) Dreams come true