victims by various ways.
1. Identify the exact site of flood and know the loss
2. Try to make Donations
Donate money:
- Donating money is the easiest and best way for the immediate support for the flood victims.
- Be sure you are donating money through the authentic humanitarian organizations.
- You can collect the money from your villages, colleges, government offices and send it through the organizations or you can go to the respective place yourself and donate.
Donate goods:
- You can donate food, water, clothes, shoes, blankets, almost anything needed for the daily life to run smoothly.
- As the chance of infectious diseases in the flood site is very high due to the scarcity of goods and because of the polluted environment, you can donate hygienic products like first aid kits, tents, mosquito nets, soap, toothpaste and brush and other products.
Donate blood:
- Flood may cause serious injury to the victims and they may need immediate blood transfusion.
- If you are a health professional, you can inform the blood donation committee and arrange blood for the needed people out there
- You can also serve the victims by donating your own blood.
3. Volunteering where the flood happened
Who want to risk his/her own life for the flood victims? This question may arise before you think of going to the flood site just after it happened because nobody wants to risk his/her own life for others. But, this is a matter of humanity and responsibility of the humans to help the people who are mostly in need. You don't have to risk your life for them. You just be sure how much is the risk and evaluate how much is the damage. One single person can save many lives. You can make groups and prepare for the ways of helping them. Go to the site of the flood. Put the people out of the danger sites. Give them immediate supports either medical or emotional. Just be there to do whatever you can to make the people safe, to give them relief or to save their lives.
4. Support
People might have lost their homes and you can at least provide shelter for few days at your home till the flood subsides.
Emotional support:
People might be unstable emotionally and they can act in a different manner than usual. Just listen to them and try to make them calm and tell them that everything is going to be alright.
5. Preventive plans for the next time
The natural disasters like flood, earthquake, hurricane... are the only things that came to our lives without invitation. So be prepare, keep updated about such things and plan for the preventive measures.
We all exists because we all live together holding hands of each other. In such conditions when we need each other most, if we don't help then WHO WILL???