How to Prevent Suicide?

How to Prevent Suicide

Should I Commit Suicide?


You may be feeling alone. You may have ups and down like everybody else, maybe this time more than anybody else. You may be depressed and may be finding out really difficult to get rid of it. You may be afraid of how people are going to react.You may be afraid of how you are going to face your family, friends and society. You may feel like everything is vanished along with hope to live. And finally you give up. A day comes that makes you so sad and very angry. This one day can change everything. You may be thinking of taking your your life away.

 That's it.
You are dead.
Perfect job. Now, happy?  


 Just imagine, what will your mom feel when she will see you dead on the floor. You not only killed yourself but you also killed her from inside. She is regretting and blaming herself for not raising you stronger. Apart from this, somebody lost a brother, a sister, a friend, a student and a life partner. But you are not there to see them, to see the people who really care about you, who love you a lot. But before it was too late, only if you found a way better than committing suicide, everything would be different. 

So don't hurt yourself, don't beat yourself down, don't hold it in. Just let it out and breathe. Because the fact that you can breathe is itself the biggest thing. The suicide is not the solution. You deserve more than what you do to yourself. you are very strong.You can go through everything that holds you down. Keep fighting and one day everything will be all right. So many good things are also happening in our lives. But none of them will matters if you end your life like this. Would you rather be known as a loser who quit and took his own
life, or a person who fought and succeeded to get rid of the most painful situation?
It's never too late to become a better person. Suicide is not an option. It's a sign of weak people, the cowards, and the selfish people. You are strong, wiser and a better person.


Don't be that person who brings down other, be that person who helps, cares and loves. You know him/her better than all because you are his/her mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, husband or friend.

If he is acting different than usual, like: 
- Getting very angry most of the time
- Crying all the time without reason
- Sleeping too much or not sleeping at all
- Talking about suicide
- Drinking alcohol or using drugs
- Self-loathing or hating
It might be just nothing to worry about or there might be happening something really bad. He/she might be feeling really depressed and thinking about killing himself/herself.

One thing you DON'T HAVE TO DO in

this situation is to argue. Do not talk with them like:
-  Are you mad?
- Do not make a drama here. 
- What have you done? you silly.
- you don't expect forgiveness.

What YOU HAVE TO DO is say:

- How can I help you?
- I'm sorry that you've been going through it all alone
- You are not alone
- I care about you. I love you.
- We will solve it together
- Don't worry. Everything will be alright.

Most people go through this and some of them attend suicide. So, if someone says, “I am frustrated, I can't hold it more or I don't want to live anymore", then take it seriously. Go talk with him/her. Tell him/her that he/she is strong and he/she can go through it. Don't make them feel alone. Just tell them, we can go through it together.

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