The Rainy Day - Should I be in relationship? I Episode 3 I

The Rainy Day
The next day they had to follow the same schedule, attend the boring classes and come back to hostel. But this time when Bishal came out of the ward, the air started to blow, the trees were swirling around each other, the loud thunder followed the lightning bolt and he wondered how sudden it happened. His left brain said, "Hmm, it's too dangerous, wait for the storm to abate otherwise anything can happen. Stay inside." But he heard someone whispering in his heart, "Go on, there is nothing to be afraid of. You love rain, right? The storm will settle down soon."  He heard his heart's voice and ran over the just started rain as if he was in hurry to feel the rain.

He started enjoying the rain as he always loved walking in it. Just after few minutes, he felt a hit on the top of his head by a piece of stone and suddenly he realized that it was a white, opaque grain of ice from the sky. The frozen water pieces started falling on the ground one after another and he only could hide himself under the nearest hospital ward. He started running for the shelter but kept looking backwards to the frozen ice pieces. All of sudden he hit someone in front of him with his shoulder. He held her hand so sudden and said, "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't see you." When he saw her face, you can't imagine he stopped breathing for a while. She was none other than Deepti. She was with her two other classmates. Yeah, it was the greatest coincidence in his whole life. She in other side wondered too and thought, "How is that possible?"

They stayed there for a while and waited for the storm to subside. Bishal didn't make a sound for a while. He thought Deepti will start the conversation. But unfortunately she didn't. Then he decided to take the plunge first and said looking at Deepti, "Hey." Deepti replied quietly, "Hello." The rain didn't stop. There was a restaurant near the ward and so, he said, "I think it's going to take more time. We can have coffee there (pointing the restaurant). She replied again, "Why not. Sure." They went to the restaurant and he ordered coffee for her and for her friends." Her friends were talking with each other and Deepti with Bishal. This time, Deepti's heart was beating very fast as she started liking him. They stayed there for nearly an hour but didn't talk much. When the rain subsided he left them with a beautiful goodbye. Deepti wanted him to stay more so that she could talk with him for few more minutes but Bishal had enough for that day and he didn't want to stay for so long in his first fortunately happened date. She kept her eyes on Bishal until he disappeared from her sight.


a. First Sight Love - Should I be in relationship? - Episode 1
b. The First Talk - Should I be in relationship? - Episode 2
c. The Rainy Day - Should I be in relationship? I Episode 3 I
d. His Birthday Special - Should I be in Relationship? I Episode 4 I
Other chapters are coming soon.