Success Vs Obstacles
Toothache Experience I Erupting Third Molar I Dental Visit I Proper Treatment I
have been suffering from toothache since 2/3 days. So, I decided to have my
dental checkup in my own hospital BPKIHS (Oral Medicine Department). At that
time I truly realized that the dental pain is very hard to tolerate. I met a dentist there in the department. He suggested me to take X-ray of lower left
back side of oral cavity. The report showed that the third molar (last tooth)
was erupting but striking the soft tissues and a part of bone (mandible).
Hence, he suggested me go for extraction of that tooth. The diagnosis was ‘Pericoronitis’.
He prescribed me some medicines such as Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Ibuprofen
and Pantoprazole and asked me come back within few days for extraction.
is inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the crown of a partially
erupted tooth, including the gingiva (gums) and the dental follicle. It is very
common and pain is the most common and most severe symptoms of it. Extraction
of the indicated tooth is the treatment only if pericoronitis is recurrent or patient’s
will to remove the tooth. Proper oral hygiene and sometimes scaling of that
particular erupting tooth is helpful without extraction. We should take the
advice from dentist and do accordingly.
Saruma Sameer (सरुमा समीर)- Episode 3 (अनुच्छेद ३ ) I Both languages I

जमुना थलीमा सबै, ग्वाला बसी रन्थ्या ।
आफुनो ल्याएको खाना, बांडी चुडी खान्थ्या ।।
एकतिर चेलीबेटी सबै, अर्का तिर चेला ।
सबैका बीचमा सरू, लागि रन्थ्यो मेला ।।
आफुनो ल्याएको खाना, बांडी चुडी खान्थ्या ।।
एकतिर चेलीबेटी सबै, अर्का तिर चेला ।
सबैका बीचमा सरू, लागि रन्थ्यो मेला ।।
They used to sat down under Cypress tree (the princess Saru in the middle and all other around), all boys at one side and girls another and share their foods with each other.
इजा बाबा सम्झी सम्झी, समीर रोई रन्थ्यो ।
सब ग्वाला गिजाउन्या भया, दुःख को जाणन्थो ।।
एक दिन रून रूनोई समी, जमुना थलीमा ।
ईजा -बाबा दुबै देख्यो, आएका सुइनामा ।।
सब ग्वाला गिजाउन्या भया, दुःख को जाणन्थो ।।
एक दिन रून रूनोई समी, जमुना थलीमा ।
ईजा -बाबा दुबै देख्यो, आएका सुइनामा ।।
Sameer used to cry all the time remembering his father and mother. All boys used to giggle looking at Sameer. Nobody knew the pain, Sameer had within. One day when Sameer was crying under same Cypress tree, he felt asleep. Then he saw his parents in his dream.
"कि लैजा मुइलाई लै सँगै, कि बाटो बताई झा ।
काँ जाँउ मुइ कि गरूँ बुबा, कि अर्ती सिकाइ झा "।।
समीरका दुःख सुणी, रानी रोई गैन ।
" ए बाबु समीर तोखील्या, केई कमी नाईथिन" ।।
काँ जाँउ मुइ कि गरूँ बुबा, कि अर्ती सिकाइ झा "।।
समीरका दुःख सुणी, रानी रोई गैन ।
" ए बाबु समीर तोखील्या, केई कमी नाईथिन" ।।
" मितबुवा कलिया तेरा, साँचो छ उनै थांई ।
बाकसमा पैसा हुन्ना, कपडा कोटीमाई ।।
दोनल्या बासुली होली, रतना कामाली ।
दोअन्नी चौअन्नी डाला, बगस कम्पनी " ।।
दोनल्या बासुली होली, रतना कामाली ।
दोअन्नी चौअन्नी डाला, बगस कम्पनी " ।।
"Take me along with you father or show me the way. Tell me, where should I go?"
Listening to the Sameer's grief, the queen started crying too.
" My baby Sameer, you have nothing to worry about. I have left a key to uncle Kaliya (one of her trusty). There is a small box where I put few money, a flute and some clothes for you."
Listening to the Sameer's grief, the queen started crying too.
" My baby Sameer, you have nothing to worry about. I have left a key to uncle Kaliya (one of her trusty). There is a small box where I put few money, a flute and some clothes for you."
त्यति भुणी निसीगया, राजा रानी स्वर्ग ।
समीर डाड हाली रोयो, " ईजा बाबा फर्क" ।।
" समीर के भयो दादा, आँसु ढाली रून्छौ ।
पसीनाले रूजीगैछ, क्याकी ल्या कामन्छौ " ।।
समीर डाड हाली रोयो, " ईजा बाबा फर्क" ।।
" समीर के भयो दादा, आँसु ढाली रून्छौ ।
पसीनाले रूजीगैछ, क्याकी ल्या कामन्छौ " ।।
After that they went back to heaven and when Sameer woke up, he cried loudly, "Please mom and dad, please return."
One of the boy asked him, " What happened Sameer brother? Why are you crying? You are wet with full of tears. Why are you shivering?"
One of the boy asked him, " What happened Sameer brother? Why are you crying? You are wet with full of tears. Why are you shivering?"
ग्वालानकी बोली सुणी, समीर वसी ग्यो ।
" इजा बाबा सुइना देख्या, " भुणी रून पस्यो ।।
डँडा काँडा ओछाइ आया, सब ग्वाला घरतिर ।
को भुणन्यो समीरलाई, को जाणी धौ पीर ।।
" इजा बाबा सुइना देख्या, " भुणी रून पस्यो ।।
डँडा काँडा ओछाइ आया, सब ग्वाला घरतिर ।
को भुणन्यो समीरलाई, को जाणी धौ पीर ।।
Sameer sat down quietly after hearing his friends. He started crying again by telling them that he saw his parents in his dream. All the boys and girls returned to their home. Nobody knew what he was going through. Nobody knew what his story was.
Click the LINK BELOW to read Other Chapters:
A. English Language:
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
o. Last episode of Saruma-Sameer I सरुमा समीर - एक साँचो प्रेम कथा I अनुच्छेद १५ I
मौलिक वाचिका : स्व श्रीमति यशोदा चन्द (Grandmother)
संकलनकर्ता : टेक चन्द "मार्साप" (Father)
प्रस्तूतकर्ता : प्रेचन "पाखे" (Uncle)
समर्पण : स्व हजुरअामाको अबिश्मरणीय समृतीमा समर्पण
English Translation: Bimal Chand (Grandson of Yashoda Chand, Son of Tek B. Chand, nephew of Prem B. Chand)
There are total 15 chapters. Hope you all will enjoy one by one. I want to publish this story in the form of a book for my grandmother, father and uncle. Your support will be very much appreciated. Please like, comment and share this story.
The Suicide Day I Saruma-Sameer I Episode 8 I In English Language I
As jumali (king of Jumla) arrived to Byupaal Thakur's home with his son for the marriage, it seemed earth was brighter than heaven around Byupaal Thakur's home. As the people arrived, Saruma got panicked. She was willing to commit suicide at that time.
While somebody was playing Panchebaaja (Beautiful musical instrument specially designed to play for marriage) between the crowd full of noise outside her home, her eyes were full of tears. While everybody was enjoying the marriage, Saruma was crying alone inside her room.
She opened the window and looked outside, "Oh dear god, Why are you testing me? Neither Sameer came himself nor he sent any letter. Mourners are outside my home to bring my dead body and shroud to rap my body isn't here."
"Sameer, please bring me shroud for your Saru. Hope we will meet in the next life. As long as there is a single breathe in me, there is hope for you to come but now I am hopeless Sameer. Now you will only find my dead body."
Sameer was looking for the way to go inside Saruma's room but Saruma had no idea that he was coming for her. He was just under the window. When Saruma tended to jump out of the window, then suddenly Sameer tried to catch/ hold her but they got out of balance and fell. Saruma got unconscious and didn't opened her eyes for a while. It was dark everywhere.
When she woke up she asked, "Who the hell are you to save me? Leave me, let me die." Sameer replied, "It will be a great sin if you commit suicide Saru. The world will curse your dad." After hearing Sameer's voice, she realized that it was Sameer and finally she opened her eyes and became happy. Saru said, " Sameer, my god, now I am not going to die. You are my only hope now."
Sameer asked, " Why were you going to do that? God have given you so much beauty. Do you have no love for it?"
Saruma replied, "My heart was with you Sameer and what I had was just this body remained. It was better to die than with this dead body without you."
Sameer didn't understand and he just starred at her face. Saruma started to tell her heart's misery.
Saruma: "My father Byupaal sold me. He weighed me with the gold of Jumali (King from Jumla)."
Sameer full of anger: "Any generous man feels bad from the heart even when he sells his pet animal*. The selfish greedy man was going to be happy to sell his daughter for just the gold."
Saruma started crying: "Without my will he was going to force me to marry with the deaf and dumb. He sold me just as people sell a calf. I have hidden my four year old love inside my heart. I convinced my heart that Sameer is my only husband and he will come for me." She continued, "One husband for the heart, another for body. I couldn't bear it Sameer, that's why I was going to die." Sameer started to get scared, "They are going to look for us Saru. Let's walk away from here with the help of light of the moon."
Saruma got scared too and got up in hurry. Suddenly she heard someone crying and said, "Wait Sameer. Who is weeping there just like my brother? My brother is going to die without me." Suresh reached out to Saruma with tears in his eyes and said, "I want to go too sister. Wherever you will go don't ever leave my hand." Saruma then replied, "Hey my little brother, people will come. You better return home. I will call you after. let me go for now."
Sameer panicked as brother-sister separation was difficult. Sameer requested Suresh, "Please brother, don't be stubborn at our bad time. If we both will survive through this, we will call you by sure but if we die then you better would think we will meet in next life."
Sameer continued, "They will ask you about us. Never tell them anything". They made Suresh understand and walked away through the dark night. They searched Saruma door by door the whole night but they didn't find her.
The people from Jumla returned back from King Byupaal's home. Byupaal got worried about both the gold and the daughter.
Others Episodes are coming soon...
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
While somebody was playing Panchebaaja (Beautiful musical instrument specially designed to play for marriage) between the crowd full of noise outside her home, her eyes were full of tears. While everybody was enjoying the marriage, Saruma was crying alone inside her room.
She opened the window and looked outside, "Oh dear god, Why are you testing me? Neither Sameer came himself nor he sent any letter. Mourners are outside my home to bring my dead body and shroud to rap my body isn't here."
"Sameer, please bring me shroud for your Saru. Hope we will meet in the next life. As long as there is a single breathe in me, there is hope for you to come but now I am hopeless Sameer. Now you will only find my dead body."
Sameer was looking for the way to go inside Saruma's room but Saruma had no idea that he was coming for her. He was just under the window. When Saruma tended to jump out of the window, then suddenly Sameer tried to catch/ hold her but they got out of balance and fell. Saruma got unconscious and didn't opened her eyes for a while. It was dark everywhere.
When she woke up she asked, "Who the hell are you to save me? Leave me, let me die." Sameer replied, "It will be a great sin if you commit suicide Saru. The world will curse your dad." After hearing Sameer's voice, she realized that it was Sameer and finally she opened her eyes and became happy. Saru said, " Sameer, my god, now I am not going to die. You are my only hope now."
Sameer asked, " Why were you going to do that? God have given you so much beauty. Do you have no love for it?"
Saruma replied, "My heart was with you Sameer and what I had was just this body remained. It was better to die than with this dead body without you."
Sameer didn't understand and he just starred at her face. Saruma started to tell her heart's misery.
Saruma: "My father Byupaal sold me. He weighed me with the gold of Jumali (King from Jumla)."
Sameer full of anger: "Any generous man feels bad from the heart even when he sells his pet animal*. The selfish greedy man was going to be happy to sell his daughter for just the gold."
Saruma started crying: "Without my will he was going to force me to marry with the deaf and dumb. He sold me just as people sell a calf. I have hidden my four year old love inside my heart. I convinced my heart that Sameer is my only husband and he will come for me." She continued, "One husband for the heart, another for body. I couldn't bear it Sameer, that's why I was going to die." Sameer started to get scared, "They are going to look for us Saru. Let's walk away from here with the help of light of the moon."
Saruma got scared too and got up in hurry. Suddenly she heard someone crying and said, "Wait Sameer. Who is weeping there just like my brother? My brother is going to die without me." Suresh reached out to Saruma with tears in his eyes and said, "I want to go too sister. Wherever you will go don't ever leave my hand." Saruma then replied, "Hey my little brother, people will come. You better return home. I will call you after. let me go for now."
Sameer panicked as brother-sister separation was difficult. Sameer requested Suresh, "Please brother, don't be stubborn at our bad time. If we both will survive through this, we will call you by sure but if we die then you better would think we will meet in next life."
Sameer continued, "They will ask you about us. Never tell them anything". They made Suresh understand and walked away through the dark night. They searched Saruma door by door the whole night but they didn't find her.
The people from Jumla returned back from King Byupaal's home. Byupaal got worried about both the gold and the daughter.
मौलिक वाचिका : स्व श्रीमति यशोदा चन्द (Grandmother)
संकलनकर्ता : टेक चन्द "मार्साप" (Father)
प्रस्तूतकर्ता : प्रेचन "पाखे" (Uncle)
समर्पण : स्व हजुरअामाको अबिश्मरणीय समृतीमा समर्पण
English Translation: Bimal Chand (Grandson of Yashoda Chand, Son of Tek B. Chand, nephew of Prem B. Chand)
There are total 15 chapters. Hope you all will enjoy one by one. I want to publish this story in the form of a book for my grandmother, father and uncle. Your support will be very much appreciated. Please like, comment and share this story.
Click the LINK BELOW to read Other Chapters:
A. English Language:
Others Episodes are coming soon...
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
Saruma and the Gold I Saruma-Sameer I Episode 7 I In English Language I
Saruma's little brother Suresh was just five years old. Suresh used to cry as much as Saruma used to do. Both didn't take food for days. Finally Saruma told his brother, " Why are you crying brother? Mom and dad are still alive."
Suresh cried more loudly, "How would I be able to stay alone sister if you goes away after your marriage? Saru replied, "Where will I go brother leaving you behind? What's mom and dad's will?
Brother replied, "I have heard that father is planing for your marriage with a deaf and dumb (prince of another country). King of another country (Jumali, the father of the deaf and dumb) told father that he will give as much gold as you weigh if father let you marry with his son. After hearing this from Jumali, father rejoiced and accepted his proposal. Now I have just seven days with you sister. after that you will be gone".
Saruma socked and those words broke Saruma from the heart.
"Oh god, Father decided me to get marry with a dumb! What's my fault? He is selling me as people selling a calf. Father, you will have to pay for your sin. You will not find a way."
Others Episodes are coming soon...
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
Suresh cried more loudly, "How would I be able to stay alone sister if you goes away after your marriage? Saru replied, "Where will I go brother leaving you behind? What's mom and dad's will?
Brother replied, "I have heard that father is planing for your marriage with a deaf and dumb (prince of another country). King of another country (Jumali, the father of the deaf and dumb) told father that he will give as much gold as you weigh if father let you marry with his son. After hearing this from Jumali, father rejoiced and accepted his proposal. Now I have just seven days with you sister. after that you will be gone".
Saruma socked and those words broke Saruma from the heart.
"Oh god, Father decided me to get marry with a dumb! What's my fault? He is selling me as people selling a calf. Father, you will have to pay for your sin. You will not find a way."
मौलिक वाचिका : स्व श्रीमति यशोदा चन्द (Grandmother)
संकलनकर्ता : टेक चन्द "मार्साप" (Father)
प्रस्तूतकर्ता : प्रेचन "पाखे" (Uncle)
समर्पण : स्व हजुरअामाको अबिश्मरणीय समृतीमा समर्पण
English Translation: Bimal Chand (Grandson of Yashoda Chand, Son of Tek B. Chand, nephew of Prem B. Chand)
There are total 15 chapters. Hope you all will enjoy one by one. I want to publish this story in the form of a book for my grandmother, father and uncle. Your support will be very much appreciated. Please like, comment and share this story.
Click the LINK BELOW to read Other Chapters:
A. English Language:
Others Episodes are coming soon...
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
Saruma locked inside I Saruma-Sameer I Episode 6 I In English Language I
When Saruma reached, she noticed there was nobody at home. She felt some kind of relief as she was a little afraid. When her mom and dad returned, they didn't speak even a single word with her for a while. What a strange it was. Somebody had already told her parents whatever happened in the forest (Jamunathali, about the marrigae).
"Oh my god ! What is going to happen next?" Saruma feared from inside.
Her mother: "Daughter Saruma, have dinner."
Saruma: "I am not in mood mom."
Saruma and her mother's conversation was not in good flow. Then again her mother asked, " What have you done in the forest? Why are you not opening your mouth? What's going in your mind daughter?"
Saruma didn't speak a single word. She just lowered her head down and shut her mouth. She started biting her nails and started crying. Her mother yelled, "You sinner, you just embarrassed your father in front of all. You do sin and shed tears. Don't you expect forgiveness from us."
Her mother again yelled at Saruma: "Your father has given you more freedom just because you are a single daughter. Now he earned a lot of name and a blooming fruit for what he did. Hari Malla (King from another country, Jumla) came with a proposal of marriage with his son. You just fell for a beggar. Now face what happens next".
"Forget whatever you did till now. From today onward, you won't move outside from this house till the marriage is over (marriage with some other guy)", her mother threatened her again.
Saru still didn't speak a word. She got angry and started crying again.
Her mother locked her in a room. She was restricted from going outside with her friends. So she stopped talking to anyone and stopped eating too for few days.
Her mother came to Saru to tell her have some food. But Saruma didn't respond. She just cried day and night remembering her beloved Sameer.
Others Episodes are coming soon...
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
"Oh my god ! What is going to happen next?" Saruma feared from inside.
Her mother: "Daughter Saruma, have dinner."
Saruma: "I am not in mood mom."
Saruma and her mother's conversation was not in good flow. Then again her mother asked, " What have you done in the forest? Why are you not opening your mouth? What's going in your mind daughter?"
Saruma didn't speak a single word. She just lowered her head down and shut her mouth. She started biting her nails and started crying. Her mother yelled, "You sinner, you just embarrassed your father in front of all. You do sin and shed tears. Don't you expect forgiveness from us."
Her mother again yelled at Saruma: "Your father has given you more freedom just because you are a single daughter. Now he earned a lot of name and a blooming fruit for what he did. Hari Malla (King from another country, Jumla) came with a proposal of marriage with his son. You just fell for a beggar. Now face what happens next".
"Forget whatever you did till now. From today onward, you won't move outside from this house till the marriage is over (marriage with some other guy)", her mother threatened her again.
Saru still didn't speak a word. She got angry and started crying again.
Her mother locked her in a room. She was restricted from going outside with her friends. So she stopped talking to anyone and stopped eating too for few days.
Her mother came to Saru to tell her have some food. But Saruma didn't respond. She just cried day and night remembering her beloved Sameer.
मौलिक वाचिका : स्व श्रीमति यशोदा चन्द (Grandmother)
संकलनकर्ता : टेक चन्द "मार्साप" (Father)
प्रस्तूतकर्ता : प्रेचन "पाखे" (Uncle)
समर्पण : स्व हजुरअामाको अबिश्मरणीय समृतीमा समर्पण
English Translation: Bimal Chand (Grandson of Yashoda Chand, Son of Tek B. Chand, nephew of Prem B. Chand)
There are total 15 chapters. Hope you all will enjoy one by one. I want to publish this story in the form of a book for my grandmother, father and uncle. Your support will be very much appreciated. Please like, comment and share this story.
Click the LINK BELOW to read Other Chapters:
A. English Language:
Others Episodes are coming soon...
B. Nepali/Paschimeli Language:
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